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cloud hosting

5 Benefits of Cloud Hosting

In recent years, cloud hosting has become more and more popular. Considering the recent rise, you may have a lot of questions. 

This is a flexible, scalable and high-performance hosting solution that can provide your business with a series of unique features. Below we will explore the main benefits of cloud hosting so you can understand if it is suitable for your website.

1. Flexible Pricing Structure

In most other types of hosting, you need to pay a monthly fee regardless of whether you use all server resources. With cloud hosting, you only pay for what you use. 

Therefore, if the post you want to publish is widely spread, or your website receives an unusually high volume of clicks, you don’t have to completely upgrade your package. All you have to do is expand your resources during the surge in traffic and shrink them when the traffic levels return to normal. Your price does not have to pay the high hosting fee in full, but matches the total amount of server resources you are using.

2. Easy to Expand Server Resources

Using cloud hosting to expand your server resources couldn’t be easier. For most cloud servers, you will have access to an intuitive site management dashboard that allows you to view site performance in real time. You can expand server resources on site without waiting for the hosting provider’s approval.

3. Redundant Server Environment

For most types of hosting, your website is on a single server. If the server fails, your site will go offline, and you can only get back online after the server is repaired. If your host is redundant, the site backup will take over your existing site in a few seconds. However, not all redundancies are equal. With cloud hosting, you will have a concurrent real-time version of your website, which your host can load immediately.

4. High Uptime and Availability

If you use any traditional hosting methods, the uptime of the site depends on the physical server environment. If it is offline, then your site will also be offline. Unless you use a CDN, this helps reduce the overall downtime of your website. 

Cloud hosting has high uptime built into its structure. Since your site will actually use the resources of multiple servers, if one server goes offline or encounters a technical problem, you can simply transfer it to another server. In addition, with the ability to expand server resources on demand, your website will not go offline due to an unexpected surge in traffic.

5. Speedy Server Setup Process

You can deploy cloud hosting servers in record time. Unless you sign up for a novice shared hosting package, it may take some time to deploy your web server. If you need to get a website online quickly, or are in a host migration, and have been waiting for the server to be ready, this can be troublesome.