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choosing dedicated server

What you should know before choosing a Dedicated Server?

If you run an online business, one of the most important decisions you must make is which hosting service to choose. There are three main categories, namely dedicated server hosting, VPS hosting and shared web hosting. In the current situation, most organizations prefer to choose dedicated servers because there are countless benefits of choosing this type of service. After all, with a dedicated server, you do not need to worry about other websites or applications affecting the performance of the website.

Read more here for a comparison about Dedicated Server vs VPS Hosting vs Shared Hosting

Why you should choose a Dedicated Server?

Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, dedicated server hosting may be your ideal choice. This is simply because when you have dedicated servers for your business applications and websites, you can be assured of their consistent performance. This is especially beneficial if the website or application is loaded with countless functions. There are many dedicated servers on the market, and prices vary based on the software and hardware features you choose for the server. Choosing a dedicated server also ensures that you have absolute security for all mission-critical data, because no one else can access all this data.

How to choose the right Dedicated Server?

When you consider choosing a dedicated server, you should consider several conditions. First, you should check whether you or any other employees of the company can handle the different tasks of server management. If not, you should look for advanced hosting services. If you are not sure how to choose the right dedicated server hosting, you must consider some of the following decisive factors :

1. Memory

If you want your application or website to load extremely fast, you should choose a dedicated server with a lot of memory. This is because the memory of the server determines whether the websites and applications hosted on it can be loaded quickly. The more RAM installed on the server, the faster the server will run. This will ensure that the website loads quickly

2. Processor

If you need a very powerful server, you should look for a server with a powerful processor. If the website you want to run is loaded with CPU-intensive scripts, you will need a server with a powerful processor. Generally, SQL servers or video transcoding servers are used for websites with heavy loads. Sometimes, dedicated servers such as chat servers or game servers are also used because they are manufactured by multiple processors.

3. Bandwidth

The bandwidth of the server determines how much data can be transmitted to your website each time. If you need a lot of website traffic, make sure to choose a server with high bandwidth.