Choosing dedicated servers offers more power and freedom for the client when compared to other web hosting plans that are available to them. You need to have reached a limit where you want dedicated hosting plans to replace existing shared hosting. Buying a dedicated server is a pretty difficult job and should be well prepared. Such servers cost huge amounts of money and rash decisions will blow your hosting budget.
How to Get the Most Out Of Your Dedicated Servers?
Most clients struggle to preserve the safety of their dedicated servers and thus lose significant amounts of resources and budget. Here a few mistakes that unintentionally done by clients with their dedicated hosting servers:
Failing To Manage Cost:
This is a situation where most customers appear to make mistake. While dedicated servers are already costly and sometimes have hidden costs, in case the servers are left unmanaged because many companies overlook the maintenance costs. When switching to the dedicated server, make sure you are aware of the single cent that you will be spending on the server.
Problems with Permissions and Logins:
Most clients also skip building difficult passwords and requiring strict user permissions when buying a dedicated server. Three issues which should first be introduced:
- Setting a secure and an unbreakable password
- Disabling root logins
- Limiting the file permissions
- Passwords that are easy to guess may give hackers a passage for attacking your server space.
Ignoring Security Threats:
Servers are vulnerable to attacks and therefore you should always take action to keep them secure. Ask your preferred web hosting company to provide shielding, server hardening and 24X7 web monitoring for you. If you have bought a dedicated server or charged for the data center facilities, this does not mean the safety is not your duty.
Ignoring the Business Requirements:
Even if you have been analysing the criteria before tagging off the order, it is advised to see through it again. Your business may need several resources to fill in. Create a checklist, just before closing out the offer. Check if you listed the following points in the list or whether your provider skipped one or more of them in the service package you subscribed to.
- Disaster recovery
- Secure access to dedicated servers and integrity of data
- Management of heavy/ large-sized files
- PCI Compliancy
- Firewalls, protection against Distributed DOS attacks
- High availability
- Scalability
Not Giving Time to Understand Technology:
When buying the dedicated servers, spend some time learning about their functionaries instead of instantly jumping on them. Once you start working with it, make sure that you know how to use the tools involved properly. Learn the good practices involved in server monitoring and security. Putting things up in action without understanding the basics could create disasters.
Missing the Network Factor:
Your server may be efficient but network is also a valuable part. This is why you do not need to focus entirely on specs when choosing a host, but also on network and power stability and resource reliability.
Check out the next post on What is a Dedicated Server.