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managed vs unmanaged vps hosting

Managed VPS Hosting vs Unmanaged VPS Hosting

Managed VPS Hosting

A fully managed VPS is a virtual private server that allows you to take an unattended approach. Your hosting company will handle the technical work to ensure that the VPS can provide the required features and virus and spam protection without any work from you. They will also handle maintenance, troubleshooting and software installation, saving you time and ensuring that the work is done with the help of experts.


  • Save time
  • Need no IT expertise
  • Ensures OS updates are completed
  • Ensures changes are made correctly


  • Cost more than unmanaged
  • Gives more control to an outside party (Important to use a reputable hosting provider)

Unmanaged VPS Hosting

Unmanaged VPS or self-hosted VPS is a virtual private server managed by the company itself. The hosting company is responsible for providing VPS, maintaining hardware, and performing system-level health checks, but VPS customers perform the remaining maintenance, monitoring, and changes.


  • Cost savings over managed VPS
  • More control
  • Less trust required


  • Takes time away from the core business functions
  • Requires 24/7 IT expert on the clock
  • Difficult to keep up with OS updates and patches
  • Potentially reduces the overall security and reliability if the in-house team is slow to perform updates

Do I need VPS hosting?

Each type of hosting has its own use cases. So how do you determine that you need VPS hosting? If the following conditions are met, you might be considering using VPS hosting:

  • Your business is expanding beyond the limits of shared hosting.
  • You expect site visits to increase significantly in the next few months. For example, your website is designed to carry out new marketing activities or promotions, or you want to expand to other markets.
  • You may have enough bandwidth to handle one website, but two, three? If you plan to host multiple websites in the near future, you will need more resources. Similarly, if your current shared hosting account is consuming resources, and your host asks you to consider upgrading, then it is time to consider VPS.
  • Compared with shared hosting, your website needs better privacy and performance.
  • You want complete control of the server, such as custom configuration, root user access and installations where shared hosting is not available.

 To look for cheap VPS Hosting Asia, kindly look into our product plans.